Mindfulness and Meditation Challenge Day #2

Hopefully, you managed to do the meditation yesterday. How did you find it? Did you experiment with #mindfulnessinmotion?

I’d love to hear what you noticed in the Facebook group or on Instagram (use hashtag #mindfulnessinmotion #mindfulinmay) and do share any questions you have about mindfulness or meditation in general. I’m here this week to answer them as best I can.

If you’re more experienced or you’ve done the one-month Mindful in May program before (which is now open for registration!), feel free to do your own meditation. This one is just offered for those who are newer.

Today, I’m excited to offer you Part I of an absolutely fascinating video interview with Kelly McGonigal, world leader in mindfulness and stress!

Watch the first part of it here now (the second part will be available tomorrow)  – it will be available until the end of this week so be sure not to miss it!

Remember to use my guided meditation again today – it’s the same meditation but each time you sit with it, you’re training your neural pathways towards greater focus, calm and emotional balance. The aim is to meditate every day this week. Bring curiosity to the practice and notice how although the guidance might be the same, it’s a different experience each time.

Mindful Daily Tip: 

Conversations are a great opportunity to practice being mindful – and mindfulness, in turn, supports us in experiencing greater intimacy. Often during conversations, we can be caught up in our own concerns and thoughts. When we mindfully communicate, we consciously open our awareness to include a sense of our own body and emotional state, while also making space to be open to the other person. Pay attention to the person’s non-verbal communication: their posture, eye contact, and facial expressions. A large part of communication is transmitted through our non-verbal gestures and signs. Many of us are uncomfortable with silence and so we speak to fill the space. Notice if you have a tendency to fill the space and don’t be afraid to pause in conversations.

Share what you notice in the Facebook group today after practising a #mindfulconversation use the hashtag so we can see what you discover.


Founder of Mindful in May

P.S Although our 5 days to mindfulness program has started, you can still invite friends and family to join in and receive this FREE content. Share this on Facebook so they can benefit too.

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"If we wish to be healthy, happy and clear-minded, we need to upgrade our “inner technology”of attention to meet the demands of our increasingly complex world. That's where mindfulness comes in.."




Elise Bialylew is the author of the bestselling book, The Happiness Plan, and founder of Mindful in May, the world’s largest online global mindfulness fundraising campaign.

A doctor trained in psychiatry, turned social entrepreneur and mindfulness expert, she’s passionate about supporting individuals and organisations to develop inner tools for greater wellbeing and flourishing, and offers workshops and training at The Mind Life Project.

Her work has been featured in the Huffington Post, New York Times and on Australian Television. She was recently recognised by the Australian Financial Review as a 2019 AFR Women of Influence.

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