Milo McLaughlin is a Mindful Writer

Milo profile pic Nov2010Milo McLaughlin is a freelance writer based in Edinburgh, Scotland. He is also the founder of Clear-Minded Creative, an online magazine about choosing to honour what we truly value, even if it means forging a new path in life.

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What led you to meditation?

A few years ago I realized I needed to make some changes in my life and I began to take steps to introduce better habits. Mindfulness Meditation was one of the habits I’d read a lot about and after meeting Elise and other people who go a lot out of meditation at the World Domination Summit last year, I decided it was about time I tried it properly. I had tried Transcendental Meditation previously but it didn’t suit me quite as much

What value has practising meditation brought to your life?

It’s been a grounding influence. I think what was most important for me was my initial commitment to practice every day. From there it’s become a foundation habit which has enabled me to introduce other positive behaviors, including running. It’s also helped with clarity and peace of mind of course, and an increased awareness of how I’m spending my time.

How has meditation supported you in your professional life?

As a freelancer writer and blogger who is still learning the ropes it’s easy to be drawn in a variety of directions all at once. It’s been great to have a practice which calms the mind as it makes it much easier to see the path forward.

What are the biggest obstacles to your practice?

I’ve been meditating every day for over four months, but there have been a handful occasions when I’ve not managed it, mainly because I forgot. That tended to be when we were travelling and staying with friends or family so the usual routine isn’t there. I also find it’s important to get enough sleep or I tend to drift off instead of being mindful.

What is a quote that most inspires you and why?

“I’ll let you be in my dream if you’ll let me be in yours” – Bob Dylan.

I’m sure this was just a throwaway line for Dylan, who is one of my favourite lyricists – but still it seems to ring very true. We’re all walking around in a dream half the time, but now and again we can get an understanding of what other people are going through. That sense of empathy is essential if we’re to change the world for the better.

What is a book that has opened you to new ideas and inspired your growth, why?

Awareness by Anthony De Mello is one of my favourites. It’s based on one of his workshops and so is conversational in style and very easy to read. However it deals with the really big issues in life and he can be pretty hard hitting at times in terms of making you rethink how you react to certain things in life. it just makes you see things very differently (and makes a great accompaniment to a meditation practice).

What Mindful Music do you listen to (ie. music that grabs your full attention and brings you into the moment.)

Music is one of my biggest passions in life and I have very eclectic tastes – genre isn’t important to me as there are great songs and sounds in every style of music. As a writer, great lyricists like Dylan and Cohen are important to me but I also love hip hop, electro and pop, especially if it has innovative production. I’ve just been dancing around the living room to the latest Justin Timberlake album and some quality remixes of the new Daft Punk single, so I was definitely in the moment then!

Why are you being Mindful in May?

It’s a fantastic project! The combination of encouraging more people to meditate, which has proven positive effects on both mental and physical health, and raising much-needed funding for Charity: Water (who are one of my favourite charities thanks to the unique way they do things), makes it an absolute “no-brainer”.

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"If we wish to be healthy, happy and clear-minded, we need to upgrade our “inner technology”of attention to meet the demands of our increasingly complex world. That's where mindfulness comes in.."




Elise Bialylew is the author of the bestselling book, The Happiness Plan, and founder of Mindful in May, the world’s largest online global mindfulness fundraising campaign.

A doctor trained in psychiatry, turned social entrepreneur and mindfulness expert, she’s passionate about supporting individuals and organisations to develop inner tools for greater wellbeing and flourishing, and offers workshops and training at The Mind Life Project.

Her work has been featured in the Huffington Post, New York Times and on Australian Television. She was recently recognised by the Australian Financial Review as a 2019 AFR Women of Influence.

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