
My first retreat offering for you…

August 15, 2023
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You know that feeling…   At those times (although probably not often enough!) when you’ve taken the time to prioritise yourself. Maybe it’s been a full day in nature surrounded by comforting bird sounds. Or maybe it’s doing guided meditations and creative reflections?   Those moments help you reconnect with yourself in an enriching, enlivening…

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Mindful Musings: Do you procrastinate? A MUST READ BOOK

June 19, 2023
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In the Mindful Musings series, Dr Elise Bialylew explores the topic of procrastination. Read on to discover a life changing book to read and an effective mindfulness technique to practice…    There are some books that really do change your life.    The War of Art: winning the creative inner battle, by Steven Pressfield, really…

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Embracing Impermanence: How To Let Go and Find Inner Peace

February 28, 2023
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Change is the only constant in life, yet why do we often resist it? As human beings, we crave permanence and stability. We want things to stay the same, but the truth is, nothing ever does. Everything around us, including ourselves, is in a constant state of flux. This is where the concept of impermanence…

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5 Tips for Stopping Negative Thoughts in Their Tracks

February 28, 2023
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Have you ever caught yourself ruminating on a negative thought and let it spiral out of control? Perhaps you’ve let intrusive thoughts from the past or worries about the future consume your mind. Whether you’re dealing with anxious thoughts, negative self-talk, or a critical inner voice, negative thoughts can hold us back from living our…

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5 Evening Mantras: To Release the Day

January 28, 2023
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Life can be hectic, and it’s important to take the time to unwind and find inner peace. Using mantras to release the day is a great way to disconnect from the stresses of daily life and focus on finding calmness within. In this blog, we will explore different mantras that can help you release the…

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5 Morning Mantras: For a Calmer Start to Your Day

January 28, 2023
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Do you find yourself feeling stressed and overwhelmed before you even leave the house in the morning? Starting your day with a sense of calm and focus can make a huge difference in your overall well-being and productivity. That’s where morning mantras come in – simple phrases or affirmations that can help you set the…

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How to Meditate for a Peaceful Sleep

August 28, 2022
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Do you often find yourself lying in bed, tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep, but just can’t seem to do it? If yes, then you are not alone. Millions of people across the globe struggle to get quality sleep. While there could be many reasons behind this issue, one of the most common causes…

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Mindful in May woman at the beach

How to Practise Lovingkindness Meditation

July 28, 2022
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Lovingkindness meditation (also called Metta meditation) is a powerful tool used to cultivate love and kindness towards ourselves and others. It helps to shift our focus from negative self-talk and criticism to positive emotions such as love, compassion, and joy. It involves the repetition of specific phrases that are intended to evoke feelings of kindness…

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Embracing Freedom: How to Let Go of Mum Guilt

June 28, 2022
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Being a mother is a tough job, and it comes with its fair share of challenges. If you often find yourself feeling guilty about the things you’ve done or haven’t done as a mother, you are not alone. Otherwise known as mum guilt, the feeling can be overwhelming and consume you if not addressed. Fortunately,…

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Unleashing the Power of Self-Compassion: How to Practise it Daily

June 28, 2022
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In today’s world, where competition and personal achievements are highly celebrated, existing in a manner that recognizes your inherent worth can become challenging. Constantly striving towards being perfect can lead us to judge ourselves harshly. It can affect both our professional and personal lives and act as a roadblock to our happiness. Self-compassion is the…

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